Outsource Counterpart Due Diligence with our experts, you will obtain faster results, reliable and objective information, with guarantee of legality.
At Grupo GAT we carry out Third Party due diligence reports for all types of companies. Outsource risk management with our counterpart due diligence. Many companies trust in our seriousness, our clients are public and private companies that have found an efficient service adjusted to their policies.
We work for all sectors of activity and we adapt to your diligence requirements. In order to adapt we work on request, both to make a single report, and for large-scale orders.
Our services are governed by the national and international law to make ethic and discreet diligences. We report on litigations, regulatory matters, reputation, financial situation, misleading information, conflicts of interests, hidden interest and potential responsibilities.
Services include confidential interviews for reputation purposes, peers, market and regulators and documentation collect and verification.
We perform comprehensive evaluations of a corporation’s reputation, including investigations of associates and executives, patrimonial connections, affiliated businesses, and prior vendors records, clients and employees that could be a risk. We research media records, political connections and conduct confidential source inquiries.
Our due diligence reports
Counterparty Due Diligence reports can include basic information for an organization or a holding company or an informal group of companies. The basic information for compliance, in accordance with the legislation on the prevention of money laundering and FT, must include at least the shareholders and final beneficiaries. Are you concerned if there are PEPs in your client portfolio?
We can produce different types of counterparty due diligence reports depending on the objective of the transaction. For example, it might be necessary to know the investee companies and licenses or permits. Or other data that may be interesting are tenders, patents and trademarks. Our reports may also include information on litigation, regulatory matters or reputation, among others.
How to access these services
In order to provide our services we need our clients to tell us what they are concerned about. Call or write us and tell us where the risk is in your operations. Our team will work to suggest what type of due diligence is right for your needs. Perhaps you are concerned about potential conflicts of interest, or for example the financial situation of your counterpart.
We work with FCPA procedures to resolve reputational issues with industry inquiries, documentation verification, identification of conflicts of interest and hidden risks.
What do we provide?
Cost reduction and hidden risk reduction
By outsourcing your due diligence to us, you obtain direct savings of up to 40% of your current cost.
In addition, we provide objectivity and peace of mind by working within the current legislation in each jurisdiction. With reliable information we provide a better knowledge of who you do business with.
“In 69% of the analyses, risks or other negative information are detected during the third-party screening process”
Some of our clients are due diligence provider companies that do not have sufficient resources, and trust in our ability and reliability with the deadlines. Also, some of our clients have saturated internal departments, without resources or without sufficient knowledge and outsource part of their work with Grupo GAT.
We carry out massive periodic review projects, as well as updates to historical files of clients, suppliers, correspondents, among others. When we work on projects globally, we help improve response times and customer capabilities.
Which companies have to do due diligence and When?
The size and sector of the company is not a valid argument when trying to avoid unnecessary risks. These unnecessary risks are those that could be prevented, since risks increase exponentially when faced with:
- Foreign Counterparts
- Third parties in high risk countries
- Suppliers of high-risk sectors
- A new relationship that will be important to the business.
Why do you have to hire our Due Diligence services?
Because a significant part of the company’s risks lies with its relationships with third parties, and these can damage your reputation. In our experience, the highest risk situations occur with future partners, in projects with foreign companies, alliances, partners or suppliers. What do you know about the companies you currently work with?
In addition, due diligence is part of all Compliance Programs to protect the company from the many types of risks such as:
- Legal
- Financial
- Corruption
- Conflicts of interest
- Fraud
- Reputational risks
- Criminal liability
- Penalties and fines
- Litigation and lawsuits
- Breaches of contract
- Insolvencies
“52% of the time sanctions are discovered against companies or individuals and politically exposed people”